Hi Roberto

I have checked your patch and the described problem and I think it
looks good. As I understand the reason why you count the number of tokens
instead of checking for a space in the hostname is that is easier to do
that way as you do not need to make an advanced parse mechanism.

To my knowledge a hostname is almost any string that do not contain a
white-space. There are some exceptions but they are very few, but space is
not allowed in a hostname, so I think your patch is good.

Best regards

// Ola

On Sun, 23 Dec 2018 at 04:27, Roberto C. Sánchez <robe...@debian.org> wrote:

> [note: I am not subscribed to debian-security; please keep me or
> debian-lts addressed on replies]
> Hello all,
> I have been working on trying to reproduce CVE-2018-19518 in uw-imap.  I
> had already prepared PHP updates for jessie and wheezy to address that
> aspect of the vulnerability, though neither of those required an
> understanding of the underlying issue since the PHP team went the route
> of disabling rsh/ssh functionality in uw-imap.
> As it happens, alpine embeds the uw-imap code and that happened to serve
> as a useful testbed for reproducing the vulnerability, understading the
> underlying issue, and then developing/testing a fix.  I would appreciate
> comments on my analysis and proposed patch.
> To start, I downloaded the source for alpine 2.20+dfsg1-7 in stretch.  I
> then tried to reproduce CVE-2018-19518 using a variety of the approaches
> which were described on the web (especially the metasploit example from
> Exploit DB).  However, as best I can tell all of the examples are
> focused on the PHP route and none of them worked when specified in a
> ~/.pinerc file.  So, I simplified and settled on this simple
> configuration directive in ~/.pinerc:
> inbox-path={x -oProxyCommand=`date>ohai`}inbox
> After placing that directive in ~/.pinerc and launching alpine I ended
> up with a file ('ohai') in the current working directory with the
> current system date/time.  That was enough, I thought, to consider that
> I had something which resembled the reported vulnerability.
> After I had that, I began to consider the nature of the problem more
> deeply.  In particular, I wondered whether it was possible to answer the
> question, "is this is a valid host name?"  I also wondered whether it
> was possible to cause the vulnerability without a space in the hostname
> (somewhat related to the first question).  In any event, I concluded
> that the question of whether something is a valid hostname might be a
> bit complex to tackle and despite numerous attempts I was not able to
> exploit the vulnerability without the space between the host name and
> the command switch '-'.
> It did not seem sensible to consider attempting to detect the
> ProxyCommand options since that seems like it would leave the door open
> for other related vulnerabilities.  For example, might there be an as
> yet unexplored opening with LocalCommand or ProxyJump?
> After digging into the code in uw-imap that parses the configuration
> file value into the rsh or ssh command line (the tcp_aopen function in
> tcp_unix.c), and further considering the necessity of the space to
> making the exploit work, I decided that checking to ensure that the
> parsed command line has the same number of tokens as the command
> template string would be enough to tell me that there was an attempt at
> a command injection.
> Based on that, I came up with the attached patch.  If anyone wishes to
> try this out, all that is needed is to install the stretch version of
> alpine and create ~/.pinerc to contain the above directive.  I have also
> built and uploaded a version that contains my candidate fix here:
> https://people.debian.org/~roberto/alpine_2.20+dfsg1-7~0.dsc
> If this seems like a sensible approach, I propose to apply the attached
> patch to uw-imap 8:2007f~dfsg-5 (the current stretch/buster/sid version)
> to create version 8:2007f~dfsg-6 for upload to sid and eventual
> inclusion in stretch (perhaps via a point release) and then also in
> parallel create a 8:2007f~dfsg-4+deb8u1 package for upload to jessie.
> Please reply with your comments.  In particular, feedback from the
> security team on the appropriateness of this for a stable point release
> and my suggested route for the update to take to get there would be very
> useful.
> Regards,
> -Roberto
> --
> Roberto C. Sánchez

 --- Inguza Technology AB --- MSc in Information Technology ----
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