On Wed, 2020-01-01 at 10:29 +0100, Elmar Stellnberger wrote:

>    Up to now I did not see any notable effort to support malware reverse 
> engineering under Linux. The only program I knew was boomerang for 
> decompiling malware but it seems to be unsupported since long. I would 
> really be in need of such software since I have plenty of images of 
> rootkitted installations and tampered BIOS images (f.i. one does not 
> boot via USB and does not allow BIOS updates; you can not get rid of it 
> unless you flash the BIOS chip of you mainboard externally).

There are lots of such tools, examples:

radare-uefi (not in Debian)
Ghidra (not in Debian)
RetDec (not in Debian)

If you want to package the missing ones, check out this:




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