The programs which I use for secure DANE web browsing should be uploaded at:

documentation follows later

Am 17.01.20 um 16:52 schrieb Elmar Stellnberger:
Hi Cindy Sue! Hi folks!

  I must confess there is little you can do about missing emails with debcheckroot. You can spot rootkits with hindsight but intelligence can also break in and go without leaving any trace. What would to my mind be necessary for a more secure email communication is a better penetration of DANE. Many CAs are known to issue rogue certificates to secret services so the public key is the only thing that may be trustworthy of a certificate. If that public key is signed and bound to a domain with DNSSEC (this is then called DANE) it shall be safe. I would guess that email dispatching was safe if encrypted and saved by DANE all the way to its target. F.i. it seems likely that intelligence just tries to halt email delivery if some suspicious email is in the queue until they have assessed what they wanna do about it. And it is questionable how those emails which seem to be sent successfully but which do not reach their target get lost.

   Something I as an end user can do about the emailing problem is to write and send my emails on a secure machine. If I am using webmail or an emailing program this requires to preconfigure certificates known to be safe and to only allow these. All CAs need to be disabled since the average user will never know which CAs issue rogue certificates. According to my knowledge any simple web page invocation immediately results in a cracked system if it is using a spoofed certificate which can not be excluded for any simple web search. Luckily my hoster provides DANE for the machines used for email delivery, webmailing and my website configuration panel. And I am still using a Debian 8 read only stick to boot such a secure system.

   Why the hell Debian 8? Isn`t that insecure? I believe it isn`t as long as I only visit these two web pages of my hoster. Unfortunately newer versions of Firefox have a special implementation for so called HSTS (http strict transport security) certificates. You can not add a security exception for such a certificate but you need to configure all dependent certification authorities for such a certificate. However with the first CA you acknowledge you compromise your system`s security. Older versions of Firefox did not have this bug:

  I am currently looking forward to test which versions of Debian 9 would work. Firefox from Debian 10 does no more work. If you have good luck your webmailing server supports DANE but does not use HSTS. Then you can use a current Debian. With Debian 8 you simply need to delete from libnss3 to disable all default CAs. You can not delete them by hand. If you do you need to mark every singleton CA but that does not prevent all deleted CAs to reappear a second after you have deleted them. That is why you needed to delete the .so. With newer versions of Firefox deleting does not stay without side effects: You can then not acknowledge security exceptions by hand any more. I have written a script to do that automatically though and I am likely to publish it at in the future if sufficient interest is given in the issue. Once I know the last good Firefox version I could also approach to resolve the bug from above for newer Firefox versions. Unfortunately Dana Keeler has given this bug a resolved invalid so that it is unsure whether they would accept the bugfix upstreams. According to Dana`s comments the bug should in deed be marked as WONTFIX. That would be correct. If you like vote or comment for/on this bug.


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