On Wed, Oct 21, 2020 at 07:03:35PM +0300, Pavlos Ponos wrote:
>    Apologies if this should be directed to another list, but I've already
>    tried in 'debian-testing' with no luck, see [1]here.
>    In Debian's package tracker I see that Thunderbird in stable through the
>    security updates is in  1:78.3.1-2~deb10u2 while in testing is in
>    1:68.12.0-1. How is it possible for the old-stable to have the same
>    version with stable, but not testing?

Stable updates are handled by the security team and are made as
necessary.  Testing doesn't work that way.  Changes to testing arrive
only after spending some time in unstable.  See

and https://www.debian.org/security/faq#testing

>    [2]https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/thunderbird

Tracker indicates that thuderbird will propagate to testing in the next
couple of days based on a manual hint by the release team:

    Migration status for thunderbird (1:68.12.0-1 to 1:78.3.3-1): Will
    attempt migration due to a hint (Any information below is purely

>    Security repository is enabled in my /etc/apt/sources.list file
>    deb [3]http://security.debian.org/debian-security/ testing-security main

That repository is empty and is typically not used at all except
during a freeze when automatic propagation from unstable is disabled.


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