| So you're saying I should use the "us" (PC104) keyboard mapping even
| with the Sun type 5 keyboard on a 2.6 kernel?  Let me give it a shot...

Any X keymap available ?

This is what I used successfully in XF86Config-4 on a 2.4.27 kernel with the system (console) keyboard mapping set to "sunkeymap":

Section "InputDevice"
      Identifier      "Sun Keyboard"
      Driver          "keyboard"
      Option          "CoreKeyboard"
      Option          "XkbRules"      "sun"
      Option          "XkbModel"      "type5"
      Option          "XkbLayout"     "us"

and this is what I'm using now, on a 2.6.8 kernel with the system (console) keyboard mapping set to "us" (pc104):

Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier      "Sun Keyboard"
        Driver          "keyboard"
        Option          "CoreKeyboard"
        Option          "Device"        "/dev/input/event1"
        Option          "XkbRules"      "xfree86"
        Option          "XkbModel"      "pc104"
        Option          "XkbLayout"     "us"

I'm pretty sure that the 2.4 kernel didn't even need a "Device" entry like the 2.6 kernel does. Or maybe I accidentally deleted it. In any case, I tried the 2.6 kernel's block with "sun" and "type5", but the key mappings were all wrong. AFAIK this might be the best one can do, but I'm the one with the questions in ths case, not the answers...

The keyboard seems to be working OK now (except, as noted above by Vincent Pelletier, for a possible lack of special Sun key functionality), but I can't get the Sun serial mouse going. I tried "/dev/sunmouse", which is what the 2.4 kernel liked, as well as "/dev/input/mice" (which is what the 2.6 kernel likes for the USB mouse) and "/dev/input/mouse0" :

Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier      "Sun Mouse"
        Driver          "mouse"
        Option          "CorePointer"
        Option          "Device"                "/dev/input/mouse0"
        Option          "Protocol"              "BusMouse"
        Option          "Emulate3Buttons"       "true"

None of these work. "/dev/sunmouse" maps to no existing device, and apparently neither of the other two (existing) devices above correspond to the Sun mouse.

If anybody out there with a Sun serial mouse working under XFree86 4.0 and a 2.6 kernel could send me their mouse section (as above), or if anyone could tell me what device a Sun serial mouse maps to under X, I'd be grateful. Actually, maybe the "Protocol" section might be wrong also (maybe "ImPS/2" rather than "BusMouse"?), so please correct me there if that's the case.



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