> OTOH, libc5 library packages could be required to run any other binaries not
> coming from Debian.

altdev stuff already exists; my question is *why*.  The answer appears
to be that redhat had a bunch of libc5 X packages (I'm guessing, I
joined the sparc side of the project late enough to be able to do a
pure-debian installation...)

However, mere existence of those binaries doesn't cut it.  After all,
practically everything from there exists in source form; we can just
recompile and be done with it.  Is there anything that's *not*
recompilable that we need to be able to run?  Otherwise, I'd just as
well not build libc5 X libs -- they add a *big* chunk of time and disk
space to an already immense build (and I only have an SS1+; if someone
wants to send me an ultra and some faster disks, I wouldn't complain
:-) In the meantime, I'm going to focus on getting a server to build
(having snarfed enough missing defines from the sunos includes to get
it to compile, I still need to find out where it lost functions like
"GetTimeInMillis", in order to get it to link...)

I'll also note that currently, only the x86 and m68k build altdev X
libs.  The alpha and ppc ports specifically do not (and my default as
X maintainer is to leave it off unless the port really needs it.)

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