> Ok I have Sparcy booted through netboot (was easy once I figured it out
> ...many thanks to Adam Haberlach for his help)
> There has been talk of a new web page for debian-sparc (I tried to view the 
> URL but was given an error)...well...heres some notes of mine that should
> be documented...
> both rarp and arp must be setup with the IP and hardware adress of the 
> sparc. I was told about rarp..and figured out arp too on my own (I love
> tcpdump)...then I also found it in the mailing list archives.

Well, how do you setup arp ?
I was only required to setup rarp tables on my server (i386 debian box).
Can you explain me in which case you need to also configure arp tables ?
How do you proceed ?
I would want to describe it in the documentation as well.

Thanks in advance.

> on my system I had to start tftpd without tcpd first AND with -l to
> work...I didn't try many combonations...but this si the configuration
> which worked for me

Did you registered your new hostname on the server ? (eg. in /etc/hosts)
tcpd will denies connections from unknown hosts if the PARANOID option is set
in /etc/hosts.deny.

> ahem...all the docs I read said that Linux currently has no disk partitioning
> utility (in fact it says that in a text file in the disks-sparc
> directory) yet I was presented with a working fdisk during install (it is
> running the install downstairs now)

Which document said there is no fdisk ?  A sparc specific one ?
I'm pretty sure I removed such references from my own docs (at least the
release notes provided along with sparc boot disks).

> um what have I forgot...oh yea...the zero padding tftpboot.img worked for me 
> too ;)

Good news :-))


 Eric Delaunay                 | "La guerre justifie l'existence des militaires.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] | En les supprimant." Henri Jeanson (1900-1970)

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