>> We're going to need more of a bug report than that, I'm afraid.
>I've reported some more details before (regarding the problems.)
>> X works fine for me (SS2/2.0.35/up-to-date slink).  It also, I believe,
>> works well for the X maintainer, Anders.  What systems were you using?
>> Kernel version?  Libc version?

I've seen a few quirks, no crashes though. Then, I have a cg3... I'll
see if I can borrow a cg6 and recreate the problems. I'm in the middle
of exams right now so it'll be about two weeks before I have time to
really do anything though.

>PROMLIB: Sun Boot Prom Version 3 Revision 2
>TYPE: SPARCstation 5
>Ethernet address: 8:0:20:23:2:cf
>Found 1 CPU prom device tree node(s).
>IOMMU: impl 0 vers 4 page table at f0280000 of size 262144 bytes
>sbus0: Clock 23.1333 MHz
>dma0: Revision 2
>dma1: Revision 2
>cgsix0 at 0x50000000 TEC Rev 4 CPU sparc Rev b
>Console: 16 point font, 864 scans
>Console: colour SUN 128x54, 1 virtual console (max 63)

>FWIW, Jonny (sp?) Ingram ("netgod" on IRC) has confirmed that he has
>experienced similar problems with Debian-Sparc.  Also, after we
>installed RedHat on this system, it worked fine.

Hmm, that sounds libc-related. Which redhat (4 or 5, as in libc5 or 6) did
you install on it?


 -- Of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong.
Anders Hammarquist   |       Mud at Kingdoms        | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
NetGuide Scandinavia |   telnet kingdoms.se 1812    | Fax: +46 31 50 79 39
http://www.netg.se   |                              | Tel: +46 31 50 79 40

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