Jules Bean wrote:
> Phew!
> Us sludgy cam-abouts have at last got all the CDs to the right places..
> And I have at last tried out some sparc CDs, burnt by matthew I think, and
> they boot fine on my sparc 2.
> Are there any tests I can do which don't involve nuking my system?
> Since I can't simultaneously have both my hard-disks, and my CD, on the
> machine at once, I can't easily do a reinstall in full..
> Jules
 I have a Sparc IPX with an external ( bootable I think ) cdrom
That I would dearly LOVE to Do a full reinstall on I unfortunately have
only a Dial up internet connection and no cd recorder available to me.

I am more than willing to test things up to and including nuking the
let me know if I can help 

( PS the weird Booting failures I had posted here were cause by the
Maxtor HD
For some reason the machine will not boot with it installed external
also the 
machine has just started to hang.. right after reporting the PROM info
but before 
going to the memory test IF I have the external scsi powered up.. shut
it down
Boot sequence starts and I can get it fired back up in time for
detection by 
the Kernel ) 


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