On Mon, Mar 22, 1999 at 06:49:36PM -0500, Steve Dunham wrote:
Build is just starting (30 minutes into it) for glibc 2.1.1-0.1 source.
Haven't seen any problems yet.

> Also, a completely unrelated question: "ldbmcat" segfaults on Sparc
> machines (works fine on i386).  I don't have a debug build lying
> around, so I can't debug it more.  (Do you see the same behaviour?)

Which version? I have noticed the same problem but have been
attributing it to a db2 problem. Seems to be fixed in the upcoming
1.2.1 package I will upload RSN.

-----    -- - -------- --------- ----  -------  -----  - - ---   --------
Ben Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                  Debian GNU/Linux
UnixGroup Admin - Jordan Systems         The Choice of the GNU Generation
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