On Sun, Apr 25, 1999 at 08:15:39PM -0700, Stephen Zander wrote:
> >>>>> "Ben" == Ben Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Ben> Please test this out now (sun4m better have a 2.2.5+cvs or
>     Ben> better kernel). Also try compiling programs and testing them
>     Ben> on RedHat sparc systems.
> I was all set to go off & do this except my SS5 that I sacrificed to
> the last glibc2.1 build still hasn't returned to life.  Got the libs
> back in place using sash & stuff run under sash works fine (ldd etc)
> but init still wedges on boot.  Do I need to back-rev init?
> I'll try to pull/install the new packages under sash & see if that helps
> init.

Just reinstall libc6, locales, timezones from 2.0.105. You may want to
copy the ldd before doing so. Currently we don't have a package with
ldd in it for sparc (the latest ldso removes ldd since glibc 2.1.1 has
it). You can copy it from any libc6 system however since it is just a
bash script.

-----    -- - -------- --------- ----  -------  -----  - - ---   --------
Ben Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                        Debian GNU/Linux
OpenLDAP Dev - [EMAIL PROTECTED]     The Choice of the GNU Generation
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