Adam Di Carlo wrote:
> Eric Delaunay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > BTW, how should I commit my patches ?  
> Changes you want in the slink boot-floppies should be committed to a
> local repository which is on the "adam-boot-floppies_2-1_branch"
> branch.
> > Either I completely missed the point about getting the
> > "adam-boot-floppies_2-1_branch" branch or my last fixes (dated from
> > 99/04/13) about 2.2 kernel support were not put in the tree.  I have
> > had to refix them in my current copy of the tree
> I'm not quite sure what you are saying.  We have the 'trunk' which is
> for potato, and the 'branch' which is for slink.

Oops, forget me, I guess I've checked out the wrong tree ;-(

> > :-(( More on this
> > topic: how do you manage to bring some fixes from your branch to the
> > main trunk ?  Is there any magic cvs command ?
> No.  Just ask me to do another merge from the branch to the trunk and
> I'll do it.  Do you want me to do that?

Not now.  I won't have time to commit changes before the end of the week.
I will ask you later.

> > Where can I get these kernel-images ?  (I'm not connected to the net
> > by the time I write this email so I cannot check if it sits in
> > potato or not, sorry).
> I dunno.  I guess they don't exist yet.  Should I make some for 2.2.5?
> I think I shoud.  Sure it may have problems, but it's better than
> 2.2.1, right?  And the kernel source for slink has been updated from
> 2.2.1 to 2.2.5.

Sure, I already asked Steve to do that, so agree with him to build it.
Don't forget to enable NFSROOT, ISOFS, RARP & BOOTP options.
If you will be able to package it before friday evening I will be very thankful
to any of you.

Thanks in advance.

 Eric Delaunay                 | "La guerre justifie l'existence des militaires.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] | En les supprimant." Henri Jeanson (1900-1970)

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