
can you give me some information about how can I install Linux
on a SparcStation. I never used a SparcStation ( only x86 ) but I can
handle with Linux, because my PCs runs with Linux.

And now the story:

I've got this week a

        "SPARCstation IPC Type-4 Keyboard
        ROM Rev. 1.6 8 MB memory installed
        Serial # <a serial number>
        Ethernet adress ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
        HOST ID: ffffffff"

This is what the Sparc says at boottime. I hope, it's enough
information. A 1 GB Seagate SCSI-I-HDD is now in the machine.

Then the message: "The IDPROM checksum is incorrect" comes.
The following checks passes the Sparc.
I can do something like: `floppy-eject`, `help check` and so on.
This said to me: the BIOS ( I hope it's the right word for it )
is ok. But the checksum is bad.

I got from RedHat-FTP some images for bootdisks and had make a `cat
image > /dev/fd0` with my x86-Linux.

Then I had make a `boot fd()` and SILO comes up.

This information comes on the screen:

"SILO boot:

Uncompressing image...  
IDPROM: Unknown format type.
Program terminated."

I have no information and no plan how can I repair this "checksum

Can you give me a friendly "RTFM <info>" or other help?

Before I buy the complete RedHat-Package I want to certify, that the
system can be installed.

My plan is to boot from the discs and then to install over my
network via ftp ( I had make this sometimes with my x86-Linux ).

THANKs very much for your help and I'm so sorry for my english ;)



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