Andreas Jaehnigen wrote:
> Hi there,
> It seems to me as if the kernel image on Sparc is a gzip'ed binary, right?
> (/etc/silo.conf points to a file vmlinuz, and file(1) says "gzip data")
> Why is this??

silo is able to handle compressed kernel like this.  No need for builtin
gunzip in the kernel itself like for i386.

> I have troubles here using the "mknbi-linux" command from the "netboot"
> package. "mknbi-linux" complains about "Bad magic number" if I feed the
> kernel iamge file to it.
> Even unzipping doesn't help- mknbi-linux still complains about "Bad magic
> number".
> So ... How it is possible to create a net-bootable image of a kernel?
> Any hints are appreciated! :-)

don't know mknbi-linux.  Is it for netbios or alike ?

On sparc, you need to convert it into a.out format.  Use elftoaout from the
sparc-utils package.
You can get the standalone kernel from the sparc bootdisks (named
"linux-a.out") for a net bootable kernel and tftpboot.img to get a kernel +
ramdisk image.  The latter one is created using the piggyback command.
Take also a look at tilo (still available in sparc-utils) to build a TFTP
bootable image with ramdisk for sparc and ultrasparc at the same time (as for

Hope this helps you.

 Eric Delaunay                 | "La guerre justifie l'existence des militaires.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] | En les supprimant." Henri Jeanson (1900-1970)

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