On Mon, Jun 07, 1999 at 05:01:18PM +0100, Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS wrote:
> If the kernel is dynamically linked, that certainly sounds like a             
> problem!                                                                      

> cd /usr/src/linux && rm vmlinux && make vmlinux                               
/usr/src/linux/vmlinux? That's it! I'm used to kernels being in
arch/<arch>/boot, so I've been using vmlinux.o from there (I was wondering
why it left the .o there, but didn't think much else of it). (It's always
little things like this that troubles me...)

> to do the final linking again and see what command is being run for the       
> final link (something like "ld ... -o vmlinux").                              
yes, it doesn't an ld -m ...

Aweseome, thanks so much!

Running 2.2.9 now,
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