
Just wondering if anyone else has seen this problem... on my up-to-date
potato system (Sparc IPX) Apache seems not to want to generate access
logs... error logs are fine but /var/log/apache/access.log and the old
log-rotated versions of this file are zero bytes long. This problem has been
there for a while but I only noticed it recently (over that time the machine
has been updated from slink (at which time logging worked) to various

Other than that Potato has been pretty solid on this box, only other minor
whinge is that when in X I can't switch back to a VC...

\begin {plug}
Take a look at http://ieee.uow.edu.au/documents for what I am actually using
this box for :-)
\end {plug}

- Daniel

*       Daniel Franklin - Postgraduate student in Electrical Engineering

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