
> Ive installed ssh on them but the problem is that when I try to ssh
> into a machine I get the message:
> "Cannot allocate  pseudotty"

Did you set up the "new" (kernel 2.2.x) pseudo ttys correctly?
I had to include the following line in /etc/fstab the get rid of the error msg:
(It appeared if I wanted to start X, for example...)

devpts /dev/pts devpts mode=0622 0 0

The "/dev/pts" mount point has the following permissions here:

drwxr-xr-x   2 0        1          512 Aug  4 22:15 /dev/pts

And please be sure that you've got the pseudo ttys themselves:

crw-rw-rw-   1 0        5          2,176 Feb 21  1999 /dev/ptya0
....         ...       ...         .............................

(Directory output was created using "ls -ldn ...", to ensure you get the 
numeric values for ownership UID and GID.)

This way, I think, you can compile in the Unix98 pty support *and* get ssh

Good luck!
                ANDI :-)

  • ssh shashi
    • Re: ssh Walter Keeler
    • Andreas Jaehnigen

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