Quoting Ben Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> The new set of disks are at:
> ftp://marcus.debian.net/pub/debian/disks-sparc/current

I have a sparc 1+ and I wasn't able to boot it using the image for
sparc4cdm.  It hangs after loading the kernel after displaying the
message "Booting Linux...".  I think it is a kernel problem because I
installed the kernel binary package for 2.2.14 and it gave me the same
error when booting from the HD.  I then downloaded the kernel source,
configured and compiled it, and installed in the HD, and it booted just
fine.  I decided then to write the new kernel on top of the the kernel
in the boot disk, and now I can boot from it without any problems.  I
couldn't use the config file in /boot that came with 2.2.14.deb, though.
There is a compilation error in ip_fw.c, something about undefined
data member in struct skbuf.  This didn't show up when I did my own
configuration, most likely because I uncommented something.  Since the
process of runnning make dep && make takes quite some time, I've given
up recompiling the kernel without some hints first to avoid this
particular error.  Do I have to apply a patch to the stock kernel in
order to compile it?

Anyway, my guess is that the kernel was compiled with some option which
is halting the boot process in my sparc 1+ (and a few others as I've
seen in this list).  I also tried the tftpboot.img but it was of no
help.  It hang with Data Access Exception error after loading the file.

The disks set from sparc4c went a little further but after loading the
root FS it hang with a message 

        /etc/init.d/rcS: Cannot create /proc/sys/kernel/modprobe:
                         directory non existent

I checked using the second virtual console and the file in fact did not

Well, that's what I tried.  If there is something else I could try and
missed it, please let me know.  Cheers,

Hermano Cabral

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