Ben Collins writes:
 > > I installed libgtk1.2 prior to getting the error message I report.
 > Try this:
 > rm -rf ~/.mozilla
 > Then run mozilla again.

I finally can make it run once !. In fact I have my homedir nfs
mounted and .mozilla is there already created by previous run of
mozilla on an intel box. Mozilla on sparc doesn't like this, why ? (it
is of the same version as the intel one, and with the same .deb).
Remove .mozilla does'nt help, I have to purge mozilla and reinstall it.
Now when I go to the preference menu and change something, it hangs
and I have to kill it. When I relauch mozilla, the same problem
reappears: I got this message

eyra(2) mozilla
nNCL: registering deferred (0)
Could not obtain CmdLine processing service
nsNativeComponentLoader: GetFactory(error) Load FAILED with error: error: 
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Again remove .mozilla is not enough (it seems that therr is still some
trace of previous failure, where ?)

I am really fed up with mozilla, besides on a IPX, it takes an eternity
to fire up.

PHAM Dinh Tuan                         | e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Laboratoire de Modelisation et Calcul  | Tel: +33 4 76 51 44 23
BP 53, 38041 Grenoble cedex 9 (France) | Fax: +33 4 76 63 12 63

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