On Tue, May 16, 2000 at 02:51:12PM -0400, Josh Kuperman wrote:
> I am baffled by some odd behavior, which seem to have started after I
> upgraded to the frozen/potato dist of debian-sparc. I have no reason

Such as? A few examples and someone else may have encountered the same

> to believe that the distribution itself is responsible for any of the
> particulars, but I'd like to check. Is there an easy way to check. 
> I have ideas, but I suspect they are all bad ideas.
> 1. Install an old version on a different disk/partition. (I have spare
> disks and partitions - I'm just not sure how to do this.)

Another option is to install it in a chroot environment. I believe
that is how a few other developer hadnle developing for slink, potato
and woody.

> 2. resinstall slink from CDs and upgrade again. repeat as
> needed. sounds like too much work.


> 3. change the /etc/apt/sources.list to the previous version. I don't
> believe this sufficient and even it was I suspect I'd be wasting lots
> of bandwidth.

No it won't be. Plus if you use dselect you'll get it confused as to what
should be installed (from memory).


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