> I've the same problem on a Sparc Station 20 with Potato dist 
> and 2.2.15,
> but with 2.2.14 kernel I had the same problem...

Ok, following this train of thought I installed and compiled 2.2.14
(couldn't find a deb for it, which sucks cause it takes about 12 hours to
compile one on this machine.. hehe).  Then I made a mistake editing
silo.conf such that I rendered my machine unbootable[1].  After much anguish
and stuffing around I managed to fix this and get the 2.2.14 kernel booting
and now X works like a charm[2]

So, it does seem to be a kernel issue, either with 2.2.15 or with the image
that is in the deb package.  Is it worth me building my own 2.2.15 kernel to
test this?  I might just do that anyway.

Michael Anthon

[1] It would try to boot the new image, but failed because I think it
exceeded the 1G boundary and the error I made meant that it didn't recognise
anything past the new image so I couldn't boot the old kernel

[2] Well, almost, just discovered that gdm on my Linux server and the
display manager on the Solaris server don't like each other, rendering gdm
unusable... but that's another story.

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