Ben Collins wrote:
> > execve("/usr/lib/man-db/man", ["man"], [/* 18 vars */]) = -1 EACCES
> > (Permission denied)
> > write(2, "execv: Permission denied\n", 25execv: Permission denied
> > ) = 25
> > exit(-13)                               = ?
> >
> > I also get several of these in the strace output but I'm assuming it is
> > also related to /dev/console.
> What are the perms on /dev/console? What are the perms also on /dev/ttyS0?

crw--w--w-    1 root     tty        5,   1 Jun 11 22:49 console
crw--w--w-    1 root     root       4,  64 Jun 11 23:32 /dev/ttyS0
crw--w--w-    1 root     tty        4,   0 Jun 11 22:49 /dev/tty0

Tried changing ttyS0 to be owned by group tty but made no difference.
Which as a side not both stock debian 2.2.15 and my own 2.2.16 exhibit
the same problems.

-rwsr-xr-x    1 man      root        89408 Apr  6 19:34

Brian Macy

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