On Wed, Sep 20, 2000 at 06:10:17PM +0200, Marcus Crafter wrote:
> Hi All,
>       Well, finally got my hands on a Sun Ultra 1 which I've had immense fun
>       with over the past couple of days! 
>       The Debian installation went fine, I'm really impressed with it.
>       Last night I started to configure X, however I had one problem. I
>       don't know the vert and horiz refresh rate of my (Sun) monitor, nor
>       the amount of video ram on my card (Creator 3D). I've got X up and
>       running with a borrowed configuration from a friend - but I don't know
>       if it's optimal or not.
>       The only thing I can say about the monitor is that its an original
>       20" Sun monitor with model number GDM 20D10. (If there's some other
>       way of identifying it please let me know).
>       Does anyone know the refresh rates ? or have an XF86Config file that I
>       could look at ?

AFAIK, this is irrelevant as the xsun servers don't use XF86Config.
I don't know which server is good for the Creator card, but if it's
one of the xsun or xsun24, you should be able to run the server without
any XF86Config at all.  OTOH, I see some other xservers in binary-sparc
which you may be using and which may need this config file.


Steve Bowman  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (preferred)

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