I have a really slow net connection so upgrading over that
is out of the question.

I have a cdrom, and I have three sets of cdroms:

(extracted from /var/state/apt/cdroms.list:)

Debian GNU_Linux slink (2.1_r4) 1_4 main binary-sparc section 1 SAM19991221
Debian GNU_Linux  _Potato_ -  sparc Binary-1 (20000520)
Debian GNU_Linux  _Potato_ -  sparc Binary-2 (20000520)
Debian GNU_Linux  _Potato_ -  sparc Binary-3 (20000520)
Debian GNU_Linux 2.2 0a _Potato_ - Official sparc Binary-2 (20000818)
Debian GNU_Linux 2.2 0a _Potato_ - Official sparc Binary-1 (20000818)

The slink distribution was installed on my sun sparc 20, and has
never been upgraded.  I'm trying to upgrade now.  That means
I'm using the apt suite that came with the slink distribution

So I created the above cdroms.list and the /etc/apt/sources.list
using the apt-cdrom add command.

That resulted in a sources.list and cdroms.list like these:

deb "cdrom:Debian GNU_Linux 2.2 0a _Potato_ - Official sparc Binary-1 
(20000818)/" debian/dists/frozen/contrib/binary-sparc/
deb "cdrom:Debian GNU_Linux 2.2 0a _Potato_ - Official sparc Binary-1 
(20000818)/" debian/dists/frozen/main/binary-sparc/
deb "cdrom:Debian GNU_Linux 2.2 0a _Potato_ - Official sparc Binary-1 
(20000818)/" debian/dists/frozen/non-US/contrib/binary-sparc/
deb "cdrom:Debian GNU_Linux 2.2 0a _Potato_ - Official sparc Binary-1 
(20000818)/" debian/dists/frozen/non-US/main/binary-sparc/
deb "cdrom:Debian GNU_Linux 2.2 0a _Potato_ - Official sparc Binary-2 
(20000818)/" debian/dists/frozen/contrib/binary-sparc/
deb "cdrom:Debian GNU_Linux 2.2 0a _Potato_ - Official sparc Binary-2 
(20000818)/" debian/dists/frozen/main/binary-sparc/
deb "cdrom:Debian GNU_Linux 2.2 0a _Potato_ - Official sparc Binary-2 
(20000818)/" debian/dists/frozen/non-US/contrib/binary-sparc/
deb "cdrom:Debian GNU_Linux 2.2 0a _Potato_ - Official sparc Binary-2 
(20000818)/" debian/dists/frozen/non-US/main/binary-sparc/
deb "cdrom:Debian GNU_Linux  _Potato_ -  sparc Binary-3 (20000520)/" 
deb "cdrom:Debian GNU_Linux  _Potato_ -  sparc Binary-3 (20000520)/" 
deb "cdrom:Debian GNU_Linux  _Potato_ -  sparc Binary-3 (20000520)/" 
deb "cdrom:Debian GNU_Linux  _Potato_ -  sparc Binary-3 (20000520)/" 
deb "cdrom:Debian GNU_Linux  _Potato_ -  sparc Binary-3 (20000520)/" 
deb "cdrom:Debian GNU_Linux  _Potato_ -  sparc Binary-3 (20000520)/" 
deb "cdrom:Debian GNU_Linux  _Potato_ -  sparc Binary-2 (20000520)/" 
deb "cdrom:Debian GNU_Linux  _Potato_ -  sparc Binary-2 (20000520)/" 
deb "cdrom:Debian GNU_Linux  _Potato_ -  sparc Binary-2 (20000520)/" 
deb "cdrom:Debian GNU_Linux  _Potato_ -  sparc Binary-2 (20000520)/" 
deb "cdrom:Debian GNU_Linux  _Potato_ -  sparc Binary-2 (20000520)/" 
deb "cdrom:Debian GNU_Linux  _Potato_ -  sparc Binary-2 (20000520)/" 
deb "cdrom:Debian GNU_Linux  _Potato_ -  sparc Binary-1 (20000520)/" 
deb "cdrom:Debian GNU_Linux  _Potato_ -  sparc Binary-1 (20000520)/" 
deb "cdrom:Debian GNU_Linux  _Potato_ -  sparc Binary-1 (20000520)/" 
deb "cdrom:Debian GNU_Linux  _Potato_ -  sparc Binary-1 (20000520)/" 
deb "cdrom:Debian GNU_Linux  _Potato_ -  sparc Binary-1 (20000520)/" 
deb "cdrom:Debian GNU_Linux  _Potato_ -  sparc Binary-1 (20000520)/" 
deb "cdrom:Debian GNU_Linux slink (2.1_r4) 1_4 main binary-sparc section 1 
SAM19991221/" debian/dists/stable/contrib/binary-sparc/
deb "cdrom:Debian GNU_Linux slink (2.1_r4) 1_4 main binary-sparc section 1 
SAM19991221/" debian/dists/stable/main/binary-sparc/

CD::622ae86c26eaeab2f41c9dc8803aa52b-2 "Debian GNU_Linux slink (2.1_r4) 1_4 
main binary-sparc section 1 SAM19991221";
CD::622ae86c26eaeab2f41c9dc8803aa52b-2::Label "Debian GNU/Linux slink (2.1_r4) 
1/4 main binary-sparc section 1 SAM19991221";
CD::78c8ab84494194f2b624ae22807eb2fb-2 "Debian GNU_Linux  _Potato_ -  sparc 
Binary-1 (20000520)";
CD::2c0be581b7d387b274dfe34e80af08e0-2 "Debian GNU_Linux  _Potato_ -  sparc 
Binary-2 (20000520)";
CD::09865e137079055cdd60723474f0c8ac-2 "Debian GNU_Linux  _Potato_ -  sparc 
Binary-3 (20000520)";
CD::f00d016aa72b474c73a5de7967962a43-2 "Debian GNU_Linux 2.2 0a _Potato_ - 
Official sparc Binary-2 (20000818)";
CD::994fab48d2495f374fedab5b83cc3bae-2 "Debian GNU_Linux 2.2 0a _Potato_ - 
Official sparc Binary-1 (20000818)";
CD::994fab48d2495f374fedab5b83cc3bae-2::Label "Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 0a "Potato" 
- Official sparc Binary-1 (20000818)";

Then I tried the command apt-get dist-upgrade.  It tells me it wants
to remove 15 packages, install 73 new packages, and keep back 5
packages.  When I tell it I want to continue, it gives about 435
errors like:

Err cdrom:Debian GNU_Linux  _Potato_ -  sparc Binary-2 (20000520)/ 
debian/dists/frozen/main/binary-sparc/ redir 2.1-1
  Wrong CD

with different package names.  Some of the packages were named on
the status output (will install 73 new pkgs, remove 15 pkgs, etc)
and some aren't.  I didn't do a full analysis, but it looks like
most packages named in the error messages are not named in
the status message, and vice versa.  But there are some matches.

The error messages are followed by:

Upgrading with disk swapping is not supported in this version.
Try running multiple times with --fix-missing
E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe try with --fix-missing?

I tried editing the file cdroms.list by hand so all the cds
have two lines each, similar to the first two in the unedited
version above.  That had the same result at the apt-get
dist-upgrade step.

This is the first time I've tried to use apt.

I did manage to upgrade my sun ultra 1 system from
debian potato (frozen) to debian potato (stable)
more or less successfully.  Umm, using apt-get upgrade.

Is there something busted with apt in slink, or am I
using it wrong for the slink version?

I see that in the example sources.list for the slink
machine, this comment is at the top:

# Remember that you can only use http, ftp or file URIs

Does that mean I can't use apt-cdrom on slink?

How can I upgrade my system (without re-installing
from scratch)?  I have also tried to give "file:"
statements in the sources.list file, but that didn't
work either.  I kept getting a lot of "Err, file not found"
or similar.


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