Q89029292 wrote:

> On Mon, 20 Nov 2000, xav wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I'm new on debian under sparc, I've just installed debian potato on
> >
> > an IPX machine, I'm trying to run xfree but the required server seems to be
> >
> > xsun. I have xserver-xfree86 version 4.0.1-5 installed.
> I think it would be easier for you to install xserver-xsun and
> xserver-common rather than run the new xfree86 4, wait until that becomes
> stable in woody.
> >
> > I don't find any xsun in the Contents-sparc file.
> >
> > How can I run a Xserver ?
> >
> When you install xserver-xsun and the script asks if you want this to be
> your default server answer Y.

Thanks for your  answer but where can I find the package xserver-xsun ?
I had a look in the debian ftp site and I can't find it...

Is there a special URL or ftp site ?

O+ Xavier

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