Ok, I've narrowed down the offending code to this 40k patch. Note, it
has nothing to do with the zlib using code, since I already tried
compiling --without-zlib, and it still gives a sigbus. If I take this
patch and do a -R with it on a 1.8.0 tree, and compile, I get no sigbus.
I've spent way too much time messing with this already, so I'm turning
it over to someone (doogie?) else to work with.

Also Adam, I noticed in your stream/fd code, you have a return of type
ssize_t. You set this value with either read() or fread(), but note that
fread() returns size_t, not ssize_t like read(). You need to cast that
value, or better handle it.


/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

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