"James Srinivasan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I see a bunch of tftp data packets and acknowledgements going between the
> machines. The last data packet is smaller than the rest, so I assume it's
> finished the file. After that, there's no network activity whatsoever.
> Having reviewed the install documentation I'm a bit confused - I know I need
> tftp, but do I need both rarp and bootp - the documentation ("Installing
> Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 For SPARC",
> http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/sparc/ch-rescue-boot.en.html#s-install
> -tftp )says I need both in 6.5 line 1, but 6.5 line 2 implies one or the
> other.

Rarpd is enough. 

How much memory does your machine have ?

I just installed potato on a 16Mb ELC (sun4c) and the tftpboot.img would
load but I got a 

Watchdog reset 
Window underflow error 

and that was it.

The NFS-ROOT install was successfull though. (but not painless)
Problem is the machine does not get it's IP from rarp, you'll
have to tell it to the sparc 1 by booting like
boot net ip=xxx.yyy.zzz.www




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