* on the Wed, Feb 14, 2001 at 02:07:08PM -0500, John F. Davis was blubbering:
> Hello
> I am running woody and I tried to build the 2.4 kernel source.
> I was unsucessful when compiling the modules.  (I think it was because I
> had selected the dbri module.)  How can I install the latest 2.4 kernel
> source?  I used dselect with apt the last time.

Depends. On Sparc/32 normally 
"make menuconfig; make clean dep vmlinux modules modules_install".
in /usr/src/linux. Then copy the resulting arch/sparc/boot/vmlinux
to where you need it (/boot/vmlinux), edit /etc/silo.conf and run
silo (you don't need to run it every time you install a new kernel).

However, 2.4.x has "issues", so I was told, on Sparc/32. In clear: 
they won't boot at all for me on my Sparc 10. 2.4.1 isn't any better.

"Any good Unix security engineer can clean up any Unix box. But I'm not 
 sure there are people even within Microsoft who know how to clean up 
 an NT box." -- Michael Zbouray

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