hello all,

my name is Sascha and i am a new maintainer in the debian projekt.
I will help the sparc team for tests and so on.

My Sills:
I work  for a Internet Service Provider in Hamburg.
I am system and Network Administrator for Sun Sparcs and i386 Systems.
We works "only" with debian GNU/LINUX -Hurd.:-)
In this time i make some test with SQUID as proxie Server on a Sparc 
Ultra 2
for "NEWS FEED" over Satellite.
I hope to help for this projekt.

Best regards

Sascha Wilkniss

Mobile phone: 0049 177 / 977 888 0
              Sierichstrasse 158
              22299 Hamburg - Winterhude
              [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Kind regards :-)

Sascha Wilkniss                 E-Mail  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Office                          GnuPG   : 0x879BBC4C 

Pelikan & Partner
PPP Internetdienstleistungen    Telefon : 040/28 40 22 - 0
Holzdamm 40                     Telefax : 040/28 40 22 - 22
20099 Hamburg                   WWW     : http://www.ppp.net
                                E-Mail  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[debian GNU/Linux/Hurd]

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