On Thu, 19 Apr 2001, Marcus Crafter wrote:

>       Is anyone out there using Sparc Debian on a Sun Enterprise 250 ?
>       I'd be really interested in hearing any information about such a
>       machine with Sparc Debian installed on it. ie. success stories, 
>       problems, performance against solaris 2.6, etc ?
I have Potato running since Dec last year.  Installation via tftp worked
well.  I compiled SMP-kernel myself:

~> uname -a
Linux bse 2.2.18pre21 #1 SMP Tue Dec 19 22:53:19 CET 2000 sparc64 unknown

Last month I had problems compiling 2.2.19 on it and reported it on
this list, but no response.  It seems to be a trivial to solve problem,
but I had no time to investigate up to now.

But I have real problems which I reported under the thread "power Error"
in this list and this isn't solved yet.  I suspect an hardware error.

I have to admit that I'm really not amused about the Sun service for
Linux.  They tould me that they only support Solaris and I have to
install Solaris on the box if I want to have the problem solved.  This
is no fun if you want to have this machine in production and you have
to get Solaris intalled before a Service men will enter your house :-(.

Moroever I had to write him two e-mails until he noticed that there is
a free downloadable copy of Solaris 8.1 under
(his first response to my hint on this link was
  There isn't free Solaris.
 his second response to my hint on the very same link was
  It is just for PC.
 and after marking "Sparc" he mentioned I could order CD's from my vendor
 for free if I bought a Sparc box).

So I think it is a good idea if you try to find a way to install an
additional Solaris partition as I will have to do now.

Kind regards


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