
I was running woody for about four weeks on an ultra10 till I messed upped the system. So I had to install woody again.

The new installation ended in a horror story:
I am installing for three days now.
Installing woody directly does not work. So I installed potato then
edit sources.list, and did an apt-get upgrade,....

I was surprised how much was apt-get going to do, but I said yes and
apt-get hanged after a while because of a missing library.

So today I tried it again, but before the upgrade I made a apt-get install perl. apt get showed again a lot of to do (I think a lot more then it would be good), but it ran all ok.

Now I have woody running again, but to my surprise
"apt-get install postgresql" says "Sorry, postgresql is ...newest version"
cat /var/lib/postgres/data/PG_VERSION says "6.5".
I *need* at last 7.x, so what is wrong with apt-get or the lists, because a few weeks ago, the same procedure had installed me postgresql 7.1.x. like a charm.

PS: I have to admit that I am a Debian-Sparc Newbie, maybe I am doing something fundementally wrong...

Hakan Kuecuekyilmaz, FHT-Esslingen                           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
[... University of Applied Sciences Esslingen Germany...]
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