"Tille, Andreas" wrote:
> On Tue, 4 Dec 2001, Andrew Sharp wrote:
> > Excellent, so you have a work around ~:^)  Seriously, the kernel
> > version will only give you better performance (depending on what the
> > processor is), and who really needs that?
> Performance and security.  Well NFS is insecure anyway and I'm sitting
> behind a firewall, but ...

When I said "Seriously" I was being facetious.

> > Anyway, this sounds like
> > it could be something as silly as the whitespace character(s) used.
> > Can you test for certain what they are on the three lines?  Because
> > it seems like the the second two lines are working, soooooo maybe
> > you used a tab or two when the kernel server only likes spaces or
> > something silly like that.
> The lines are formated equally all with spaces (0x20).  And I have to
> say that I did many many experiments with those lines.  After deleting
> the broken line one other took its place.  It's not that easy. :-(((

Sounds like maybe something is wrong with the preceding lines.  How
about deleting all the comment lines before hand.  Or adding one. 
Mine looks like this:

benedict:/usr/share/kernel-package# cat /etc/exports
# /etc/exports: the access control list for filesystems which may be
#               to NFS clients.  See exports(5).


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