I've just run into the same problem that Hakan had a week ago.

I had compiled 2.4.18-rc4 from vger CVS with ext3 instead of ext2. I had added
the journal with tune2fs and rebooted. Everything was fine and I shut it down
for the night (it's in my bedroom and I can't sleep with the sound offans and
disks spinning). I turned it on in the morning and the root fs had reached 20
mounts without checking, so fsck was run. It failed somewhere around 69% in,
with the "File size limit exceeded" error. No amount of fiddling with e2fsck
options has changed anything.

This is on a plain Sparcstation LX with a 4GB Seagate SCSI disk, not some huge
IDE disk. I went back to my previous kernel, 2.4.18-pre8, but that didn't help.
Hakan also mentioned something about ext3. Could this problem be because of the

please help,

Ian Tester   *8)#          \7\    LINUX: because geeks will find a way
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       \7\      http://www.zipworld.com.au/~imroy

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