On Thu, Aug 15, 2002 at 10:20:57AM -0500, Kent West wrote:

> Next time around I chose i386/qwerty/us, which worked fine, but later in
> the selection for the X keyboard settings I entered "Type6"; there
> wasn't any indication that this was a valid option, but the page said
> "advanced" users could use other options, so I took a stab. I chose
> Type6 because that's what's stamped on the bottom of the keyboard. I
> didn't get around to testing this choice because I'm familiar with
> cfdisk on the intel side of Debian, and fdisk apparently confused me and
> I made too small of a /usr partition, and trying to repair it,
> thoroughly hosed the system, so I'm starting from scratch again -- good
> practice :-) .
> So what keyboard should I use for a Type 6 keyboard, needing a US qwerty
> style setup?

Try xfree86 and pc104 or pc105. Make sure you have USB mouse support
(modprobe usbmouse).

More in the archives:


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