On Thu, Aug 22, 2002 at 09:36:50PM -0400, Aravind Vinnakota wrote:
> Hi all,
>  I installed 3.0 on a Sun Ultra 10. The installation has been through but
> there seems to be a problem in display. My default desktop environment is
> gdm. But nothing will be displayed after a reboot. I tried using startx on
> a different terminal, but the story is same. I modified the color depth
> in the XFree86 file. I enabled the OS to use 3 different resolutions but
> It is unable to display any GUI. Any suggestions? Please cc me.

You'll have to elaborate on "nothing will display". Do you mean it gives
you a blank screen, the X blank/white checkered background and cursor,
or just something else you were not expecting?

Do you get an error? Try emailing us your /var/log/XFree86.log, and
possible /etc/XF86Config-4.

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