On Sun, Sep 01, 2002 at 05:30:36 +0930,
woodsend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> to) have no trouble by itself. Its when the boot sequence looks at the SCSI
> bus that the whole thing falls down. I can't imagine that anything different
> would happen if I removed the CDROM (and left the HDD in place), so I
> wouldn't be able to save the system on the HDD in any case.

doesn't have to be. friend of mine has a voyager, which has the same problems
when an external CDROM is installed. internal disk works just fine. i have
no idea what the problem actually is, the same SCSI chain works fine on
other machines, just not on the voyager. could be that the external port
is b0rken, or something. i wouldn't discount the possibility that the
internal disk might work if left alone on the SCSI chain.

> Also this would be pushing the limit of my experience. (but hey I've
> obviously got some spare time, right)

tftp is actually fairly simple to setup, and quite well documented in
a number of places. and _so_ much better that all the cdrom/floppy
install crap.

Thomas 'Mike' Michlmayr  | ignorami: n: The BOFH art of folding problem 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |           lusers into representational shapes.

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