On Thu, Sep 05, 2002 at 04:21:26PM -0700, John Riccardi wrote:
> Greetings All,
> I'm a long time linux user, just beginning to use it on sparcs
> because it's so much easier to make a GNU system into a useable
> workstation than it is with Solaris...
> The machine I'm having trouble with is an Ultra 2 with a Creator
> card.  I know the hardware works because I was running Solaris 8
> on it last week and Sun's X server worked just fine.  My config
> file and Xserver output are included below.  As you can see, the
> server isn't reporting any useful errors, it just dies on signal
> 10.  Unfortunately it doesn't even drop a core file. :-(

Can you send your /var/log/XFree86.log aswell?

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