Robert Ian Smit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb am Tue, Sep 10, 2002 at 09:48:09AM 
> Using ssh to login to my Sun SS4 is really slow. I have found some
> information here and there that makes me want to recompile libssl.

I've also got a SS4. But there is NetBSD running on it. (SSH runs quit
fast on it.)

> What is the easy solution to make ssh a bit faster on sun4m?

Use the -C when opening an ssh session.
ssh -C -l user host

# Schwanzlaengenvergleich ;)
echo `uptime|grep days|sed 's/.*up \([0-9]*\) day.*/\1\/10+/'; \
cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep MHz|awk '{print $4"/30 +";}'; free|grep '^Mem' \
|awk '{print $3"/1024/3+"}'; df -P -k -x nfs | grep -v 1k \
| awk '{if ($1 ~ "/dev/(scsi|sd)"){ s+= $2} s+= $2;} END \
{print s/1024/50"/15+70";}'`|bc|sed 's/\(.$\)/.\1cm/'

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