On Sun, Sep 15, 2002 at 07:11:49PM +1000, Tony Green wrote:
> Evening all,
> I've done some googling and some searching on the archives, but I can't
> find an answer to this question......
> Can Veritas Netbackup (Business Server in this case) run, in server
> config, on debian (any release though preferably stable)?

> I'm trying to convert a large solaris install to debian and this is the
> ONLY hurdle I can't promise it'll do.  Veritas say that RedHat is
> supported, so I'm guessing that debian will work.....  but assumption is
> related to something I'd like to avoid.

Do they say that Redhat SPARC is supported, or Redhat i386 is supported?

If they say SPARC, then 90% chance it will run on Debian, but I wont
venture to guess. Some ISV's tend to use very specific things in the
dist that aren't very portable.

For one, you will most likely have to rework the init scripts somehow.

Debian     - http://www.debian.org/
Linux 1394 - http://www.linux1394.org/
Subversion - http://subversion.tigris.org/
Deqo       - http://www.deqo.com/

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