On Mon, 16 Sep 2002, Andrew Sharp wrote:

> On Sun, Sep 15, 2002 at 11:25:20AM +0200, Christian J?nsson wrote:
> > I have a little problem here.
> > 
> > I had a SS20 (sun4m) system running debian 3.0 on a serial
> > terminal... Now I have just installed a TGX video card and hooked up a
> > real terminal and keyboard but I do not get to the login prompt.
> > 
> > Instead, when I push the 'Stop' button, I get a message like this:
> > 
> > SysRq : HELP : loglevel0-8 reBoot tErm kIII saK showMem showPc unRaw
> > showTasks Unmount
> > 
> > but I get inte the server remotely...
> > 
> > Now, I guess there's some reconfiguring to be done here... but where
> > can I read about it or if ytou can pls tell me on the liset here what
> > should I do?
> Well, one thing is that you installed the system when using a serial
> console, so you probably need to add back into /etc/inittab the gettys
> for tty1-4 or 1-6 (I only configure four of them, myself).  OK, now the
> STOP button is pretty weird.  Dunno exactly about that one.
> a
it looks the same as the "sysreq" key that can be enabled on a peecee for
kernel hacking.  In the kernel, unselect "enable kernel hacking", and it
should change this behaviour.  Stop-A should drop you back to the OpenBoot



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