This happened to me, too. I think what I did was enter "rescue", and hit enter. It went ahead and installed anyway!

Doc Sewell

Ben Collins wrote:

On Wed, Sep 18, 2002 at 04:24:03PM -0400, Gehring, Andrew     x66132 wrote:
While trying to install woody on a ultra sparc I get the error that
sparc64.gz isn't found. Which
it isn't because it is named just sparc64.

So I can get it to boot by entering /boot/sparc64 at the boot: prompt, but
then I get an error about no
root. I would make/fix a bootable floppy, but my system doesn't have one,
nor do I have a network
system to boot/install from.

What should the root= be set to when booting off of CDROM?

try this:

linux image=/boot/sparc64

If thar doesn't work, you'll need to add an initrd option, which I can't
recall the full path to the file on the CD drive. Probably something
like this:


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