I recently upgraded my Sparc 20 from potato to woody and
everything is running fine. It is an SMP machine (dual SM71s) so I am
still running 2.4.19 kernel. The one problem I have hit is the woody
version of afio. It creates an archive just fine, but attempts to
unarchive it on the Sparc or even on an Intel box running woody, I get
endless corrupt archive errors.
        I made an archive of identical files on both the Intel box and the
Sparc, and the archives were different in two ways. The first is that the
header was different, but I soon figure out that it has a timestamp in it
and will always be different. But further in, the data surrounding the
contents of each file was different between the two archives. Using a hex
editor, I could see that were there should have been non-zero byte values
in the archive (i.e. they were non-zero in the Intel version), they were
zero in the Sparc version.
        Down-grading to the potato version, 2.4.6, of afio resulted in
perfectly good archives. So this is defintely caused by some change
between 2.4.6 and 2.4.7. Additionally, I got the source to 2.4.7 and
compiled it on Sparc and it had the same problems. Lastly, there is no
entry for this on afio's bug page. I plan to file a bug, I just wanted to
see if anyone had run across this yet, or had any ideas what is going
        This can be simply replicated on both a Sparc 10 and Sparc 20
runnng 2.2.19 and woody. Both Intels and Alphas running 2.2.19 or 2.4.19
and woody do NOT show this problem with afio 2.4.7. I can provide small
example archives on request. Thanks.

|   "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."                    |
|                                            --- Philippians 1:21 (KJV)   |
|   Ryan Kirkpatrick  |  Boulder, Colorado  |  http://www.rkirkpat.net/   |

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