On Tue, Oct 15, 2002 at 11:45:04AM -0500, Jacob Andreas Helwig wrote:
> I'm having some problems getting Debian Woody installed on a 1000e here.  
> When I do a boot cdrom, here's what comes up:
> <#0> ok boot cdrom
> Boot device: /[EMAIL PROTECTED],e0200000/sbi/[EMAIL PROTECTED],81000/[EMAIL 
> PROTECTED],80000/[EMAIL PROTECTED],0:e  File and args: 
> SProgram terminated
> <#0> ok
> The same cd works fine on an Ultra 10 that I have.  There something I'm 
> missing, or does the 1000e just not like me?  Thanks.

Just not well tested. Give network booting a shot.

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