On Tue, Nov 05, 2002 at 04:32:01PM +1300, Warren Hughes wrote:
> Hi all, I am trying to get Woody running on my Sun Blade 100. I am
> having no end of problems. Have upgraded to the latest OBP/POST. It
> seems the only kernel I can get to boot (without MMU Miss problems) is:
> http://auric.debian.org/~bcollins/disks-sparc/3.0.23-2002-10-05/netinst.iso.bz2
> at the end of the kernel load I get errors about needing a valid root=
> I have tried /sparc64 initrd=/root.bin (on the above ISO) but I always
> get MMU Miss when it tries to init the ramdisk prior to loading the
> kernel. As the kernel loads it looks like it inits a good ramdisk with
> no problems.

boot cdrom /boot/sparc64 

> Also as the kernel loads I am gettings lots of "lost interrupt" for my

I've heard that the latest OBP is causing some problems. You may want to
back down to an older version.

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