On Tue, Nov 05, 2002 at 12:01:30PM +0000, Dave Love wrote:
> iudicium ferat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Well, do you know where I can get one of:
> > 
> > debian:/usr/share/doc# find / -name gnemul -ls
> > debian:/usr/share/doc# find / -name ibcs2 -ls
> If you think you need ibcs2 because of instructions in the
> (ultralinux?) FAQ, you don't.  [It wasn't clear who maintained that
> when I last thought it needed fixing -- anyone know where to send
> updates?]

The FAQ is maintained by Pieter Krul: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(you can also send updates to me and I'll make sure they are passed


Jim Mintha                                       Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
System Administrator                              Work: +31 20 525-4919
Informatiseringscentrum                           Home: +31 20 662-3892
University of Amsterdam               Debian GNU/Linux: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
_There are always Possibilities_                  http://www.mintha.com

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