On Tue, Dec 03, 2002 at 06:46:01PM -0600, Nicolas WILL wrote:
> On my SS20 I compiled a 2.4.18 kernel with SMP support. I discovered that
> the machine would boot beyond the simple kernel startup only once every 5 to
> 10 trys.
> I then tried 2.4.19, then this week-end 2.4.20. Same problem. I used either
> the kernel-source stable packages or direct source tarballs from kernel.org
> with the same result.
> No such problem on my ss5.
> Any well know issue on that?

It sounds like some people are running into problems like this.
Personally, I didn't have any trouble with my SMP SS10 back in August
when I was at home able to test out 2.4 on it.  Some people seem to be
running SMP fine on their SS10s and SS20s.

> Another problem I have is with swapon under 2.4 kernel. It segfaults... swap
> looks finely there as far as I know though.
> swapoff seems fine and happy. swapon segfaults.... During startup or manual
> command.
> Any known issue on that?

Known problem, but there are higher priority things to be fixed.  The
swap still gets activated, so it's not that big of a deal.

Rob Radez

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