Holt Sorenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'm attempting to compile kernel 2.4.20 on a sun ultra 2 using 
> gcc-3.0 (3.0.4) from debian gnu/linux sparc woody 3.0r0.

Don't.  Use `egcs64' -- see archives of this list.  Does the procedure
in the kernel section of the Debian FAQ not work?  If it doesn't,
please make a bug report.

[What's the advantage of that kernel over the latest Debian package

> The linux kernel faq 
> (http://www.wsinf.edu.pl/doc/doc-linux-html/FAQ/Linux-FAQ-8.html)
> suggests that the linker is using a static libc for linking.

I don't think that's a kernel FAQ, despite the name.

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