Hello, I hope somebody can help me. I've tried to do as much research on my own before subscribing and emailing to this list.

I have an Sun Ultra 10 workstation and I installed Debian 3.0 (Woody) on it. Installation went fine.

But I don't know what kind of video hardware the Ultra 10 has.... so I did my best guessing with what info I could find on the net. When I run startx it crashes with this message:

Symbol fbPictureInit from module /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/fbdev_drv.o is unresolved!

What can I do? Look for? Edit?

It has been such a long time since I've played with X configuration files (I'm used to all the nice linux installs from other distro's), so I don't remember what to look for.

Any help is greatly appreciated!!!

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