On Thu, Apr 24, 2003 at 12:27:11PM -0700, Geoffrey Messier wrote:
> > 
> > Odd, at that point it should boot into the Debian Installer. The lost
> > interrupts concern me. I don't even get those on my SB100, with or
> > without DMA.
> > 
> The thread
> http://lists.debian.org/debian-sparc/2002/debian-sparc-200210/msg00359.html
> suggests that the lost interrupt errors are due to a PROM version on the 
> SB150's
> that's too new.  However, the PROM downgrade procedure for the SB100's will
> apparently wreck an SB150.
> Do you know if there's a kernel initiative to look into this problem?  

Haven't heard of anything. Either you can attempt to look into it
yourself, or wait for a SPARC developer like myself to run across an
SB150 to work on.

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