On Tue, 13 May 2003, kevin curran wrote:

> Folks
> I have been trying unsuccessfully for about three weeks (on and off) to get
> the graphical User interface to work on my Sun UltraSparc 10 box. I presume
> it has an Elite 3D PCI card inside as the sticker is on the front of the
> box. My monitor is a Sun 19inch with a CM751U label on the back.

/bin/dmesg | grep Elite

that will tell you if you have an Elite3D video card.
Also, the /var/log/XFree86.0.log should have information from
SUNFFB on what it has found on your system.
> I have been running xf86config for weeks now trying all sorts of
> configurations. I don't really know what my horizontal and vertical refresh
> rates are for the monitor that I have. I also don't seem to see Elite 3D or
> CM751U listed in the video card and monitor lists that xf86config presents
> me with.
> I can enclose the full output if people like from the server log. The last
> lines however mention the following:
> (EE) SUNFFB: Failed to load module 'dri' ...
> (II) unloading /usr/x11r6/lib/modules....
> (II) unloading /usr/x11r6/lib/modules....
> ...
> ....

What version of XF86?  If it is 4.2.xxx, comment out 'Load "dri"' from the
Modules section in your XF86Config file, if you have it.  (This is changed
with 4.3.0).

> Fatal server error
> No Screens found
> I guess that the last configuration that I choose must have been for the
> subffb card. I can't remember. I have tried so many.

SUNFFB is the driver for Creator/Elite graphics cards.  Once it is loaded,
it will figure out if it is talking to a Creator3D or to an Elite3D.
> I have read elsewhere that I should try running the xserver-mach64. I don't
> actually know how to do that. It is a command line instruction?
> It says also after that line in the debian online sparc problems page that
> 'one should.. use this X server for ATI Rage framebuffers, such as found in
> many PCI-based UltraSPARC machines'. My question here is 'DOes the
> Ultrasparc 10 have an ATI rage framebuffer'?

Some do.  The messages at boot time will tell you what is on yours.
In fact, I have an Ultra10 with both a mach64 and with a creator3d. You
need your monitor plugged into the one the XF86Config file wants to

Quick check:  If your monitor is plugged into the system using a PC-like
HD15 connector, you are not connected to a Creator/Elite card.

If you are plugged in with a Sun 13W3 connector, It's a Sun graphics
card of some sort. (HD15 = 3 rows of 5 pins; 13W3 looks like nothing
else on your system).

> Everything else I can get working. I installed all the network settings
> manually but the X server has totally baffled. I have installed about 7
> different versions of linux on over 20 PC's in the last 18 months and I have
> always managed to somehow get the X server to work but my ultrasparc has
> beaten me.
> Any help appreciated.

It can be done, but the documentation doesn't make it easy.

Ferris McCormick (P44646, MI) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Phone: (703) 392-0303
Fax:   (703) 392-0401

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